Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah!
Alhamdulilah the trend attempt was successful. Members are encouraged to continue tweeting using #VoicesForPeace
This trend will be to highlight the solutions towards establishing peace as per the guidance of Beloved Huzoor Anwar (AA).
#VoicesForPeace is an international campaign that each and every one is encouraged to participate.

- Start exactly at the specified time – NOT EARLIER. and send as many Tweets as possible back-to-back
- Ensure your account is set to public
- Avoid including messages or other media in your Tweets until the hashtags start trending. Posting images slow down the entire process significantly. You may post images and other media once the phrase trends (usually within 20 minutes)
- Post at least ALL Tweets as quickly as possible
- Retweet (RT) as many Tweets especially the top Tweets with most engagements
- Tweet and RT for at least 60 minutes from the start time of the campaign
- RT Tweets from those accounts you do not necessarily follow
- Use a laptop and access Twitter via twitter.com from the browser if possible.
- Do not schedule your Tweets (TweetDeck or HootSuite) as they may be excluded from the trend
As you can see below there are tweets prepared that can be sent automatically. For those that are able to, we encourage you to write your own tweets as well. To make it easier, we have also prepared images that you can use to accompany your tweets.
“I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the Earth” [Revelation of the Promised Messiah (as)]
To start, please select your Tweet group based on your birth month
- One cannot be a guarantor of true peace unless one becomes selfless in setting the standards of justice, compassion and love. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- It is only the teaching of Islam that stands above all others in relation to fulfilling the rights of others and establishing peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Today, rather than selflessness, sadly we tend to see selfishness. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “O ye who believe! Be strict in observing justice, and be witnesses for Allah, even though it be against yourselves or against parents and kindred…”, Holy Qur’an [4:136] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- If we truly want peace in our time then we must act with justice. We must value equality and fairness. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Whether Muslim or non-Muslim we should pursue the universal standards of justice outlined in the Holy Quran. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We have made you into tribes and sub-tribes that you may recognize one another… Qur’an [49:14] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Allah divided humanity into tribes, nations and races to give them better knowledge of each other and to benefit from one another’s characteristics and qualities. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The worth of a man is not judged by the color of his skin, his wealth, or social status, but by his moral goodness and the way he fulfills his duty to God and mankind. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “And seek help with patience and prayer…” – Holy Quran [2:46] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “And do not forget to do good to one another.” Holy Quran [2:238] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Holy Prophet Muhammad [sa] said: “Every act of goodness is charity.” -Sahih Muslim. #VoicesForPeace for essential workers this Click to Tweet!
- The world is in need of prayer right now. #VoicesForPeace because we’re in this together, as one global community. Click to Tweet!
- “Allah is your Protector, and He is the Best of helpers” Qur’an 3:151 #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “..And verily Allah is with those who do good.” – Holy Qur’an (29:70) #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just that is nearer to righteousness.” The Holy Quran 5:9 #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Time for change, Time for Justice #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Islam’s solution to injustice, “Choose for others what you choose for yourself – Fulfil the rights of all mankind” = The Golden Rule #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Promised Messiah emphasized that serving humanity is the means of fulfilling the true purpose of our lives and attaining the blessings and bounties of God Almighty. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If you want to save the world then true justice needs to be shown at every level of society” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Life is Sacred and a gift from God and it is only God who has the right to take it back, not human beings. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “And that you kill not the life which Allah has made sacred” Holy Quran 6:152 #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The right to life has been recognized as the first and most important universal right #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Islam has great placed emphasis on the value of all life and has issued clear warnings against unjustified violence. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The believer continues to be safe in his religion as long as he does not unlawfully spill blood. Said the Holy Prophet #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Quran instructs Muslims to show goodness to those who do evil (41:31) #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Quran instructs Muslims to be the best of people towards other people (3:111) and to respect freedom of religion (2:257) #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- And seek not to make mischief in the earth, verily Allah loves not those who make mischief. Holy Quran 28:78 #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ Matthew 5:21 #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- All life is sacred. Human life is especially so. Protecting it is of utmost importance to God. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- I would request all of you to strive for peace to the best of your ability…. a time will come when true peace and justice will be established in all parts of the world. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- In chapter 3, verse 111, Allah the Almighty has stated that a Muslim is he who ‘enjoins what is good and forbids evil.’ #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Only a person who has a sincere love for humankind and feels the anguish of God’s creation can be caring and sympathetic, in the way the Quran desires. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmed (aba) #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Prophet of Islam championed the rights of all people, of all races and of all beliefs and was a source of unparalleled mercy and grace for all mankind. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Prophet Muhammad said: ‘I am with the weak because aiding the weak and poor is the means of reaching Allah the Almighty.’ #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Prophet of Islam taught that Allah the Almighty was most pleased by those who helped the poor, who filled their empty stomachs and who arranged medical treatment for them. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If the leaders of Israel remained firm in obedience to the prophets, they could have been saved.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Major powers in the world act with double standard.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Instead of using force to suppress other nations, use diplomacy, dialogue and wisdom.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Nuclear weapons in smaller countries could end up in the hands of trigger happy people.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Nuclear weapons are used, the horrific aftermath will be like that of Doomsday.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “You do not believe in the existence of God. But your principles are based on morality.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If World War III is indeed destined to occur, at least we should strive to ensure that it does not originate from any Muslim country.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Major powers turning against one and another and erupts into warfare and conflict.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Without returning to God one cannot attain peace and without that peace, peace in society cannot be built… The Messengers and their successors and Khulafa have but this one aim. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Islamic world talks of a single ummah but it is plain to see the divisions within it. Sometimes they appear united against a common foe but it is a superficial unity: “Thou thinkest them to be united, but their hearts are divided” Quran 59:15. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- All human efforts to create peace from selfish ulterior motives are bound to fail and come to nothing. If there is no God, there is no peace. The Messengers and their successors and Khilafat have but this one aim. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam is a religion with unparalleled teachings of peace, mutual love and justice.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Where decisions are made according to true principles of equity and where the rights of all people are fulfilled only peace and harmony will be found” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is a universal truth that in order to establish peace, justice must prevail.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Quran teaches people how to live together in peace and certainly today we need love, peace and reconciliation to spread far and wide – that is the message of the Quran.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The need of the time is for us to step forward with a spirit of reconciliation because if we do not become true ambassadors of peace a great calamity could easily befall the world.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Rather than looking at each through a lens of hatred, we should all look at one another through a lens of love and peace.” #AhmadiyyaKhilafa Click to Tweet!
- “We Ahmadi Muslims constantly call for peace, justice and tolerance at all levels of society” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We seek to give peace of mind to those who are restless…” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We should utilise all of our resources and capabilities to foster a better society, to help God’s Creation and to spread love, affection and peace at every level.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The urgent and critical need of the world today is to establish peace and faith in God.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Ahmadiyya Muslim Community raises its voice loud and clear calling for justice at all levels so that the peace and security of the world may be secured and personal enmities, grievances and distances can all be transformed into a close bond of mutual love.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Most certainly the Holy Prophet peace be upon him invited the world towards peace in the most magnificent fashion.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him…was sent only as a fountain of mercy, flowing with everlasting and universal compassion for mankind.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Promised Messiah came to spread love and compassion and to transform the world into a haven of peace, unity and mutual brotherhood. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The peace and unity of the entire world is tied up with the progress being made by the Community, the only Jama’at of believers which is so strongly knit together by virtue of the blessings of divinely-established Khilafat. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The tasks/mission that the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on whom be peace expounded are carried out under the auspices of Ahmadiyya Khilafat. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is trust that is a means for guaranteeing peace.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “A true spirit of sacrifice is required for a peaceful society to develop.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Always remember that peace can only be established by helping both the oppressed and the oppressor in a manner that is completely impartial, free from vested interests and devoid of all enmity.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Peace is made by giving all parties an equal platform and playing field.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam’s message of peace is universal, which is why our motto is Love for All, Hatred for None.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In terms of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, we have always been at the forefront of promoting inter-faith harmony and striving for peace.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We always co-operate with all people and organisations who desire peace and tolerance and will forever continue to do so.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “To strive for peace is a noble ambition and is something that the world has always stood in great need of.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If we look at the situation of the world today, we realise that now, more than ever, it is a pressing and urgent need of the time for us to seek and pursue peace and harmony in the world.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If we want true peace and if we want to save the world from destruction then we must act with justice, integrity and be ever faithful to the truth.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “All parties need to increase dialogue and open the lines of communication so that they can peacefully discuss the best means to solve the problems of the world.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “I will, God Willing, always continue to carry out my task and my responsibilities of promoting peace, tolerance, justice and compassion to the corners of the world.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Prophet peace and blessings be upon him was held captive and enslaved in his heartfelt distress and desire to save the people of the world from destruction.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The key to peace is to stop cruelty and oppression wherever it occurs with justice & equality. Only when this principle is followed will global peace develop. This will only happen when the people of the world come to recognise their Creator. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “I said that if not this generation, then certainly future generations will come to see and accept Islam as a religion of peace that is against all atrocities.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “I want to make it clear that we are giving the true message of Islam, which is of peace, love and harmony.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “To prevent such a horrific outcome [nuclear war], we should adopt justice, integrity and honesty and join together to suppress and stop those groups who wish to spread hatred and who wish to destroy the peace of the world.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Certainly, the peace and beauty of any society is dependent upon justice and honesty at all levels.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Muslim countries should have come together and sought to develop peace in light of the perfect guidance given by the Quran.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Ahmadi Muslims throughout the world must pray for peace and for the world to be saved from all forms of devastation and calamity.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him came only to establish a loving union between man and His Creator and to spread peace on the earth.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We are law abiding, our message is of peace and our slogan is ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’ – and so I do not think anyone could dislike such a message.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Wherever I go in the world I call for true justice as the only way to develop and maintain world peace and harmony.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Wherever I have the chance I will extend Islam’s message of love and peace throughout this society and across the country.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The truth is that the state of the world today is extremely dangerous and so we must take steps towards peace otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In every way, and at every level, Islam’s real teachings are of peace and security for all people.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is our mission to spread peace, love, compassion and reconciliation at every level of society and in every part of the world.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In this day and age the media has great power – if it is irresponsible then it can fuel disorder and unnecessarily provoke, but if it is responsible then it can play a great role in creating peace and harmony within society.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The world should be informed that our beloved master, the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him was sent as a ‘Mercy for all Mankind’. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We are the spiritual community of that Promised Messiah peace be upon him who pledged to give precedence to faith over all worldly matters.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Peace can only be built upon the solid foundations of honesty, integrity and justice. These are the keys to peace. Until there is honesty and justice no solution will ever prove beneficial.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Prophet peace be upon him said that the very meaning of faith was to desire goodness and to be sincere towards others and to fulfil their rights.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is the duty of every Ahmadi Muslim to constantly exhibit the true teachings of Islam, which are entirely peaceful and of love and compassion.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “What has the world achieved or gained through conflict and disorder? During the World Wars millions of people lost their lives…our joint goal should be a society where all people are able to live side by side in peace and harmony.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Through his enlightened teachings the Holy Prophet of Islam peace be upon him has handed us the golden keys to peace… He said that for true peace to be established mankind had to recognise its Creator.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Prophet peace be upon him was indeed the greatest champion and torch-bearer for peace in the history of mankind.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Most importantly the world must realise that it has forgotten its Creator and they must come back to Him. Only when this happens can true peace be established and without this there can be no guarantee of peace.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “All people and their leaders will need to stop looking only in one direction and caring only for their own interests. Instead, they must seek to fulfil the requirements of justice, fairness and honesty at all levels of society.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is the duty of all powers to fulfil the requirements of justice and to unite together.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “I will continue to tell all people that in order to be relieved of the pain and suffering that we face today, we must adopt true justice and equality.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “True justice according to the Holy Quran requires that if you have to give testimony against yourself or our loved ones you should do so.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “I ask all of you to raise your voices with justice against all forms of cruelty, corruption and disorder so that the world can be saved from destruction” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We do attempt to make major nations and organisations realise that they must allow every individual and every nation to enjoy the right to live with liberty and freedom and the key to this lies in the establishment of justice and equality.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Sadly, the major powers take benefit and advantage of the natural resources of the poorer nations and do not give what is the due right of the weaker nations in return.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “A person’s prayers will not be accepted if they do not seek to help the poor and deprived. “ #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The powerful nations take advantage of the weaker nations and dictate their own preferred policies and so in this way they have practically enslaved the developing countries.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Those wars fought to expand kingdoms and to increase power were not in any way fought in accordance with the teachings of Islam as taught by the Holy Quran.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have no power or worldly influence. Our objectives are purely spiritual and so we do not seek power or government. We have no political ambitions or objectives.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We Ahmadi Muslims leave no stone unturned when it comes to serving humanity.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Remember, we are all human beings and so first and foremost we should discharge our responsibilities and duties to one another.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Quran…It teaches us about human rights – such as the rights of women, the rights of the poor and deprived and the rights of the child.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We Ahmadi Muslims sympathise and love humanity and so wherever mankind suffers in any way it leaves us grieved and pained.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We must develop the very highest standards of compassion for all humanity.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Serving humanity requires that a person does not rest until he has solved the problems of others and takes the weight of their burdens onto his own shoulders.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Serving humanity…requires that a person’s heart is consumed by a love for others, whereby he cares not for his own comfort – but rather he cares only for the comfort of others.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Serving humanity…requires that a person is ready to bear personal suffering or anxiety so that others can live in peace and contentment.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The humanitarian work conducted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is rendered entirely selflessly and without any desire for worldly reward.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is a basic moral obligation to help others but also due to the fact that serving humanity is an essential part of our faith as Muslims.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH repeatedly said that it was essential to fulfill the rights of mankind…We see that in every possible way he served humanity & forever sacrificed his own comfort in order to provide comfort and ease to others. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Allah the Almighty desires mankind to help and support those who are weak and vulnerable and so it is this Islamic teaching that motivates the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community towards serving humanity.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If a Muslim fails to discharge the very highest standards of humanity then his or her faith will remain incomplete.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Human beings are the greatest of all of God’s Creation and so Allah the Almighty desires for mankind to respect and honour one another.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Serving with love and kindness is a great means of conveying the message of Ahmadiyyat.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Embrace the guidance from ‘World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace’ for peaceful resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Justice and empathy are essential principles in our pursuit of peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- War begets suffering, but peace offers healing and hope for all. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Reconciliation is the way forward, even when conflicts seem insurmountable. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- A just and peaceful world is built upon the foundation of justice and compassion. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s (AA) teachings inspire dialogue and empathy as the path to peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The guidance in ‘World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace’ holds the key to resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict peacefully. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Justice is the compass guiding us towards a lasting and meaningful peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Let’s commit to compassion and understanding in our pursuit of peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- War only perpetuates pain and suffering, while peace offers hope and renewal. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Reconciliation is the bridge to peace, even in the most complex conflicts. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s (AA) wisdom underscores the importance of justice in achieving lasting peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Follow the guidance from ‘World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace’ to find peaceful solutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Justice and empathy are the pillars of a peaceful world. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- War inflicts suffering, while peace brings healing and hope. Let’s choose peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Justice is the compass guiding us towards lasting and meaningful peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad’s message resonates worldwide: Peace is our common goal. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- In a world rife with turmoil, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad calls for global unity in the pursuit of peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- True leadership lies in advocating for peace and reconciliation. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The pursuit of peace is our collective responsibility. Let’s unite as #VoicesForPeace. Click to Tweet!
- Peace isn’t a distant dream; it’s a shared goal within our reach. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Let’s amplify our #VoicesForPeace and work towards a world where harmony and understanding prevail. Click to Tweet!
- The world yearns for peace, and we have a duty to answer that call. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- In a world divided, let’s unite as #VoicesForPeace to bridge the gaps and build a better future. Click to Tweet!
- Peace is the foundation upon which we can build a brighter tomorrow. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The call for peace is universal and timeless. Let’s be part of the solution. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Our voices can be the catalyst for change and harmony. Let’s raise them for peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Peace is the key to unlocking the full potential of humanity. Let’s strive for it together. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The pursuit of peace is a noble endeavor that knows no boundaries. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Let’s heed the call for peace and become ambassadors of harmony in our communities. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Peace isn’t just the absence of war; it’s the presence of justice and understanding. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Our collective efforts can turn the dream of global peace into a tangible reality. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The world is in need of peacemakers. Let’s heed the call and become #VoicesForPeace. Click to Tweet!
- In a world divided by strife, let’s unite as #VoicesForPeace to mend the broken bonds of humanity. Click to Tweet!
- Peace is a precious gift that we must cherish and protect. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Our voices can echo around the world, inspiring positive change and fostering peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- In a world divided by discord, let’s unite as #VoicesForPeace to mend the broken bonds of humanity. Click to Tweet!
- The call for peace transcends borders and religions. Join the global chorus of #VoicesForPeace. Click to Tweet!
- Sir Zafarullah’s significant efforts for the case of Palestine started in the 1930s, a glimpse of which can be read in his autobiography, Tehdis-e-Nemat. Al-Hakam, June 2021 #voicesforpeace Click to Tweet!
- On Oct 7, 1947, in the ad hoc committee session on Palestine, Sir Zafrullah Khan was scheduled with 2 others but was the sole speaker, delivering a 115-min historic speech that garnered global headlines. #voicesforpeace Click to Tweet!
- On 28 November 1947, just a day before the resolution of the partition was passed in the UN, Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan made yet another zealous speech showing his strenuous support for Palestine. #voicesforpeace Click to Tweet!
- Another principle of Islam to develop peace is that we should not tolerate injustice towards others or for their rights to be usurped. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- In the same way that we would not accept for our own rights to be taken, we should not be willing to accept it for others. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Islam teaches that where retribution is required then it must be proportionate to the act of transgression. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The true and overarching objectives should always be reformation, reconciliation and the development of long lasting peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- This perceived double standard is causing grievances and malice to increase in the hearts of the people from Muslim countries against the major powers of the world. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- . What I wish to say is that all forms of cruelty, wherever they exist, must be eradicated and stopped regardless of whether they are perpetrated by the people of Palestine, the people of Israel or the people of any other country. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The cruelties must be stopped, because if they are allowed to spread, then the flames of hatred will surely engulf the entire world to such an extent, that people will soon forget about the troubles caused by the current economic crisis. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Islam strongly emphasises the need to always act in a fair and just manner. It teaches that no party should be given preferential treatment, or favoured unduly. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Peace in society requires one to suppress his anger, rather than allowing it to prevail over principles of honesty and justice. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- As the Prime Minister, it is your duty to protect the life of your nation. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The current circumstances of the world indicate that a World War will not be fought between only two countries, rather blocs will come into formation. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- ‘Do not fret because of evil-doers. Do not envy those who do wrong. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither like the green herb. Trust in God, and do good. Zabur 37:(1-4) #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Israel-Palestine conflict can find resolution through justice, understanding, and reconciliation. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Israel-Palestine conflict has caused immense suffering. Let’s call for a peaceful and equitable solution. #VoicesForPeace” Click to Tweet!
- “Advocating for dialogue and understanding as the way forward in the Israel-Palestine conflict. #VoicesForPeace” Click to Tweet!
- “Highlighting the importance of empathy in resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict. #VoicesForPeace” Click to Tweet!
- Let’s come together as #VoicesForPeace and support a just and peaceful resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Click to Tweet!
- We are Stressing the importance of international efforts to bring peace to Israel and Palestine. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Sincere dialogue and a commitment to justice are the tools to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Mutual respect and understanding are the foundation stones of peace in the Israel-Palestine conflict. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Let’s collectively be the #VoicesForPeace that echo the call for a just and harmonious resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Click to Tweet!
- Peace in Israel and Palestine is achievable when all parties commit to dialogue and understanding. Click to Tweet!
- Justice and compassion are the keys to unlocking a brighter future in Israel and Palestine Click to Tweet!
- We have witnessed the distressing escalation of one of the world’s longest-standing conflicts in the Holy Land, leading to an unprecedented tragic series of civilian deaths both in Israel and now, to a larger extent, in Palestine. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Consecutive Israeli governments have been persecuting Palestinians for decades in plain sight. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Since when did bombing civilian buildings and cutting essential human supplies to them become “defence”? #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- ‘O heart, be considerate towards them; For they claim to love my Prophet (sa).’ #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Be mindful that, in my estimation the scope of sympathy is very wide. One should not exclude any group or individual. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Therefore, our love for the Holy Prophetsa demands that we pray intensely for Muslims. May Allah grant us the ability to do so and also to the Muslims. And may He bestow wisdom upon the world. – The Promised Messiah #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! “
- “And when you speak, observe justice, even if the person concerned be a kinsman.” (Surah al-An‘am, Ch.6: V.153) #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ”
- Prophet Muhammadsa advised mankind not only to help the oppressed but also the oppressor by preventing him from committing acts of cruelty. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- It might be difficult to speak up against injustices committed by people who are close to us, but “some Jewish rabbis have also spoken out in favour of justice and against oppression [of Palestinian people].” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Muslim countries should speak in unity and with one voice. If the world’s Muslim-majority nations, often cited as 53 or 54 in number, were to speak as one, it would indeed be a powerful force and would make a significant impact.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Israel-Palestine conflict has gone on for far too long and tensions seem to be at an all time high. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Muslim Ummah might be unaware of the great contributions and advice rendered by the leadership of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to ensure peace for the Palestinian people. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The speech delivered by Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, leader of the Pakistan delegation, in the Committee of the UN General Assembly on the question of Palestine was most outstanding in every respect. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! “
- Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) Calls on the Muslim Nations to Play Their Roles in Ending the Violence and Establishing Peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ”
- With great regret it must be said that today it is the ill fortune of many Muslim countries that they are no longer united. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The result of the lack of unity is that non‐Muslim countries now have the confidence to do whatever they please against the Muslim and this is the very reason that Israel is currently engaged in killing scores of innocent Palestinians in the most cruel manner. Click to Tweet!
- If the Muslims were united and followed the path of God then the collective strength of the Muslim nations is so great that this cruelty could never have taken place.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Compared to Israel, the Palestinians have no power or strength. Certainly all cruelty is wrong and so if Hamas is perpetrating cruelty, then the Muslim countries should also stop them. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- If you are to compare the relative strengths and cruelties of the two sides, it is as if one side is using a stick, whilst the other side is utilising a fully equipped army to perpetrate its injustice. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We can only pray that Allah the Almighty protects the persecuted and the innocent from this cruelty and that peace can be established.” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Pray for the people of Palestine who are suffering from huge injustices these days. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- If the Muslim nations come together and play their role, the Palestinians and Muslims oppressed in other countries could be saved from these injustices. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Historically, the Ahmadiyya Khilafat actually urged Muslims to unite for the protection of Muslim majority lands, especially Palestine. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Welcome his Royal Highness the Amir Faisal and the Palestine Conference delegates, on my behalf, and tell them that the community is completely with them…” – Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Today, we must sincerely pray for the Palestinian people who are currently being subjected to grave cruelties.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace May 14, 2021 Click to Tweet!
- “May Allah grant sense and wisdom to the Muslim leadership. May He also give sense to the Israelis that they may refrain and withdraw from their injustices. ” #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Further, may Allah guide the Palestinians who are suffering from a lack of leadership, if there is any injustice from their side – though in reality, this is not the case.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! “
- “True peace cannot be established be it in a person home town city or on international level until there is justice.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ” “
- “”Islam proclaims that all people are born equal.”” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ” “
- For decades, countless innocent lives have been lost in the wars between Palestine and Israel with no end in sight. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ”
- The world looks on in silence as these atrocities are being allowed to continue, with nations divided on what approach to take. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Muslim world is equally divided with their own internal religio-political conflicts. But the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has always supported the truth and repelled injustices wherever and whenever they have been committed. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- In Nov 1947, Sir Chaudhry Zafrulla Khan, Pakistan’s foreign minister, UN General Assembly President, and Ahmadiyya Muslim Community leader, delivered an impactful speech, advocating for overlooked Palestinian rights, a concern that remains relevant today. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- To express one’s power, prowess and superiority is not the teaching of Allah the Almighty. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Only by recognizing its Creator, can mankind hope to establish true justice and usher in an era of individual, communal, and global peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The root cause of the unrest in the world today is due to a lack of justice found at every level of society. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- One of the fundamental teachings of Islam and one which every Muslim cultivates in his heart is that of brotherhood and equality of human beings. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- According to Islam, no religion can sanction violence and bloodshed of innocent men, women and children in the name of God, since all religions came from God Who sent His prophets to create peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! “
- If there is no Justice, peace will not follow. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ”
- Any lasting change must come from the reformation of the individual and his stance for peace and justice. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- No person is superior to another. The teachings of Islam can establish justice in our society. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! “
- The Promised Messiah(as) said: Treat all the creation of God with such deep love as though they are your close family members. Treat mankind in the same way that a mother treats her child. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ” “
- Promised Messiah (as) said that, if a person did not have the material means to help someone struggling or facing difficulties, they should, at the very least, fervently pray that Allah the Almighty remove their problems. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ” “
- The Promised Messiah(as) further said: To fail to help a brother in their time of need or difficulty is utterly immoral and wrong. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ”
- Prophet of Islam taught that Allah the Almighty was most pleased by those who helped the poor, who filled their empty stomachs and who arranged medical treatment for them. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Prophet Muhammad said: ‘I am with the weak because aiding the weak and poor is the means of reaching Allah the Almighty.’ #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Islam fosters mutual respect and considers the sentiments of all. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Serving humanity and standing up for peace and justice is central to the religion of Islam. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is natural to crave a life of peace and contentment, free from all forms of conflict. Everyone yearns to live in a place of peace and security.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesforPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Our Goal and Objective should be Nothing Less than to Establish Peace in Every Village, Town or City of Every Nation In The World.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesforPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam requires every Muslinm to live peacefully and contribute to their society.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesforPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Prophet of Islam (sa) said that the giving hand is far greater than the one that takes.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesforPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Help your brother, whether he is the oppressed or the oppressor.” – Prophet Muhammad (sa) #VoicesforPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) said that a true Muslim is he from whose tongue and hand all others are safe. #VoicesforPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Instead of pursuing personal or political objectives, I pray that today’s leaders fulfil the rights of all people irrespective of caste, creed or colour.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesforPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The name of Islam stands for peace and the very name itself means peace and tranquillity.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We all must make an effort to establish peace and also pray for it.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In terms of obeying the law of the land and love for one’s country, the founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet (sa) has considered it so important that he has declared it to be part of one’s faith.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam and the Holy Qur’an have declared that freedom of religion is a fundamental part of its teachings.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Irrespective of differences of background, I believe that on the basis of humanity, we are all joined together, and should therefore be united.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If human values and human rights are not upheld in one country or region, it has a knock-on effect upon other parts of the world.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We are passing through a time of great uncertainty and no one can truly comprehend what the consequences of our actions will be, both in the short term and in the long term.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The literal meaning of the word ‘Islam’ is peace, love, and harmony and all of its teachings are based upon these noble values.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Unjust interventions cannot have any positive effect but can only lead to frustration, restlessness, and discord.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice. Be always just.” – The Holy Qur’an [5:9] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “And when you speak, observe justice.” – The Holy Qur’an [6:153] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Judge between men with justice, and follow not vain desire.” – The Holy Qur’an [38:27] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Verily, Allah commands you to make over the trusts to those entitled to them, and that, when you judge between men, you judge with justice.” – The Holy Qur’an [4:59] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “And of those We have created there are a people that guide men with truth and do justice therewith.” – The Holy Qur’an [7:182] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “And good and evil are not alike. Repel evil with that which is best. And lo, he between whom and thyself was enmity will become as though he were a warm friend.” – The Holy Qur’an [41:35] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Take to forgiveness, and enjoin kindness, and turn away from the ignorant.” – The Holy Qur’an [7:200] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Show kindness to parents and to kindred and orphans and the poor, and speak to men kindly and observe Prayer, and pay the Zakat.” – The Holy Qur’an [2:84] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Rather than exploitation and greed, the developed nations ought to have championed the rights of the weaker nations and sought their advancement.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The United Nations must also play its role in establishing peace in the world, unencumbered by politics, injustice or favouritism.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If we continue as we are then the world is charging madly towards a huge catastrophe in the shape of another world war.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “May Allah grant wisdom to the world’s leaders and policy makers so that the world we leave behind for our children and future generations is a world of peace and prosperity.” – HAzrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Muslims are taught to show love, compassion and kindness to all of God’s Creation, especially to humanity, which Allah has deemed as the best of Creation.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is inconceivable for a sincere Muslim to wish others harm or to hold any form of ill-intent towards them.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Founder of Islam (sa) laid down the foundations for peace in just one sentence. His words were as magnificent as they were simple. He said that we should love for others what we love for ourselves.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is the duty of a Muslim to fulfil the rights of other people, irrespective of their beliefs or background.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “To bring any conflict to an end, justice is a pre-requisite. If a person is not fair and ethical then whatever grievance or problem exists will only escalate.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “A person should not be governed by his own personal desires, as this leads to bias and prejudice and takes a person away from what is fair and what is right.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “A Muslim’s first loyalty must always be to the truth.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “A Muslim should treat others as though he would treat his close family members and loved ones.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In today’s world it is jealousy, a desire to dominate others and to unjustly benefit from their wealth that underpins the wars and conflicts that are taking place.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “May every nation, and every person, come to fulfil the rights of others and may justice prevail over all forms of injustice.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The sole reason we are peaceful, the sole reason we care and love mankind and the sole reason we seek to heal the divisions that have beset the world is because, and only because, we follow the teachings of Islam.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam is that religion which has outlawed in the strongest possible terms the killing or infliction of harm upon innocent people.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam states that the key to peace is justice and fairness at all levels of society.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If a person analyses Islam’s teachings with fairness they will soon realise that the terrorism and extremism prevalent in the world today has nothing to do with Islam.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The literal meaning of ‘Islam’ is peace, reconciliation and security for all and whosoever acts against this contravenes the teachings of the religion.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We are serving humanity to the very best of our abilities. We are striving to help those in need and to provide them with a better future for themselves and their children.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is not Islam that is attacking you or seeking to usurp your rights, rather it is people and groups who have their own vested interests and agendas and who have no link with Islam or religion. – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “To promote and work for peace is the urgent need of the time, otherwise the direction the world is heading in seems certain to lead to a catastrophic world war.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Whilst it is true that most people desire peace, it is also true that many people give preference only to their own peace and security. They have little or no regard for the welfare of others.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “As the true Source of All Peace, God desires an existence of peace and harmony for all of mankind.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “According to our faith, Allah the Almighty loves those who are able to control their emotions and are peaceful.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Allah says that if your enemy reaches out and extends his hand towards peace or reconciliation then you must accept it without delay and put your trust in Allah thereafter.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Allah has very firmly instructed Muslims to grasp with both hands any opportunity to salvage peace for the sake of harmony of the world.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam, being a religion of peace, never attacked the founder of any religion. The Qur’an is that revered book which laid the foundation of peace between nations.” – The Promised Messiah #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches us that all people are equal and that one’s race and colour are not means of superiority or status.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches Muslims to spread mutual love and affection in every direction and across all parts of society.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If war is forced upon you and you are left with no choice but to fight back, then you must only defend yourselves with the intention of re-establishing peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is of great regret that we see that in the wars fought today it is innocent people who suffer the most and the number of civilian casualties exceed all others.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “There are only two complete parts of faith. One is to love God and the other is to love mankind to such a degree that you consider the suffering and the trials and tribulations of others as your own and that you pray for them.” – The Promised Messiah #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Do not consider anyone your personal enemy and remove entirely the habit of bearing grudges or hatred against others.” – The Promised Messiah #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “You must show love and compassion to all of God’s creation no matter who it is – whether he is a Hindu, a Muslim or anyone else.” – The Promised Messiah #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Our message is of love, affection and unity. We have been taught to reply to abusive and hurtful language with prayers.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We give only love, peace and comfort to the world. This is our teaching and this is our faith.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “There is no doubt that a conflict between a government and its people can escalate into a much broader international conflict.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The path to ultimate peace lies in purifying one’s intentions, becoming devoted solely to God, having an honest relationship with Him and enhancing it further, and striving for His sake.” – The Promised Messiah #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “On the one hand, the numbers of those who are causing conflicts is ever-increasing, whilst on the other hand the numbers of people who are actually acting with justice, good morals and trying to bring about reconciliation, …” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If we want true peace and if we want to save the world from destruction then we must act with justice, integrity and be ever faithful to the truth.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If such justice can develop, where each country and each great power prefers for others what it prefers for itself, then we can still find peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Another key principle Islam teaches is that, in an effort to develop peace, it is necessary for all parties to never display any form of pride or arrogance.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If all parties utilise their God-given faculties to the best of their abilities for the betterment of mankind, then we will find that the world will become a haven of peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Another principle of Islam to develop peace is that we should not tolerate injustice towards others or for their rights to be usurped.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If we look at the voting history of the United Nations we find that the veto power has not always been used to help those who are being oppressed or who are acting in the right way.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “A beautiful principle taught by Islam is that peace in society requires one to supress his anger, rather than allowing it to prevail over principles of honesty and justice.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches that peace can only be established by helping both the oppressed and oppressor in a manner that is completely impartial, free from vested interests and devoid of all enmity.” – HAzrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Peace is made by giving all parties an equal platform and playing field.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We should not covet that which belongs to others, because this too is a means for peace to be dismantled.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “There is an urgent need for the world to become filled with compassion and tolerance, so that true peace can develop and we must all work together towards achieving these truly crucial pursuits.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “May all of us come to value and respect one another so that we, and those that follow us, are protected from all forms of destruction.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We are here only to practise and spread love, affection and brotherhood. We are here only to create peace and harmony in society.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “All the religions of the world are in need of religious harmony, and all the people of the world need a spirit of love, affection and brotherhood to be created.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is my prayer that we all understand our responsibilities and play our role in establishing peace and love, and in establishing the recognition of our Creator in the world.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It would seem that the major powers are bent on fanning the flames of war, rather than putting them out; they do not wish to end warfare.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Even in times of war, Islam does not permit the killing of women, children, or anyone that is not engaged in the fighting.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If the world considers Israeli women, children and ordinary citizens to be innocent, then the Palestinians are also just as innocent.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “There is no attention given towards establishing justice. No one is even prepared to pay attention to this.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Muslim nations, at the very least, should come to their senses. They should set aside their differences and establish unity.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “May Allah the Almighty grant Muslim governments reason and understanding and enable them to unite and establish justice.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Enmity for another nation should not lead us away from acting justly; this is the command of Allah the Almighty.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The teachings of Islam, which are the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, or which have been taught by our Holy Prophet (sa), are replete with love, with peace and with compassion.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Qur’an has instructed us to fulfil the rights of our neighbours to such an extent that not only is your next-door neighbour considered a neighbour, rather, your neighbours are those who live within a distance of forty homes.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Prophet (sa) has taught us that we should raise our voices against such injustices and help both the oppressed and the oppressor.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “May we become those who establish peace in the world, eradicate injustice and always be those who raise their voice against injustices.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Truth always has the upper hand. Even in this age, a tyrant must eventually suffer retribution for his wrongdoing. Truth will always prevail.” – Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad #VoiceForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “True Muslims live their lives peacefully and seek to propagate peace, tolerance, and mutual understanding in society.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Peace is a golden key to unlocking the door to societal progress and development and ensuring that our future generations can thrive and prosper.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Rather than learn from the horrors of the past, the world is once again engulfed by warfare and conflict.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoiceForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Qur’an has instructed that every possible opportunity to achieve peace must be pursued no matter how remote the chances of success are.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Allah the Almighty states that when two nations are at war, third parties should seek to reconcile them and draw them to a peaceful settlement.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Punitive sanctions or other unjust measures that prevent a nation from moving forward post-war and limit its freedom and prosperity should be avoided at all costs.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islamic teachings require every effort to be made to bring a peaceful solution to a conflict.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Certainly, it is my grave fear that today’s geopolitical tensions could spiral out of all control and ultimately lead to a nuclear war.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Thus, with all my heart, I pray that may Allah Almighty have mercy upon humanity and may the people of the world, especially its leaders and policymakers, see sense before it is too late.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “O ye who believe! Be strict in observing justice, and be witnesses for Allah, even though it be against yourselves or against parents and kindred…” The Holy Qur’an [4:136] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Allah divided humanity into tribes, nations and races to give them better knowledge of each other and to benefit from one another’s characteristics and qualities. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The worth of a man is not judged by the color of his skin, his wealth, or social status, but by his moral goodness and the way he fulfills his duty to God and mankind. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “And do not forget to do good to one another.” Holy Quran [2:238] Click to Tweet! “
- The Holy Prophet Muhammad [sa] said: “Every act of goodness is charity.” -Sahih Muslim #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet! ”
- “True peace cannot be established until there is justice. ” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Until there is honesty and justice, no solution will ever prove beneficial” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) in his farewell sermon said: ‘…to take anyone’s life or his property or attack his honour is as unjust and as wrong as to violate the sacredness of this day, this month and this territory.’ #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “For world peace justice has to be done for which the beautiful teaching of Islam states: ‘… and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice…’” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The truth is that peace and justice are inseparable – you cannot have one without the other.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Powerful and rich countries should not usurp the rights of the poor and weaker countries in an effort to preserve their own rights, and nor should they deal with the poorer nations in an unjust fashion.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Chapter 5, verse 9, the Holy Qur’an states that even if a person or nation has enmity with another, they should still treat them in an entirely fair and just manner, no matter the circumstances” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “At every level of society, the requirements of justice must be fulfilled, so that each person, regardless of creed, caste or colour, is able to stand upon his or her own two feet with dignity and honour.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…Islam’s teachings are never cruel nor unjust, rather they are based upon unparalleled standards of fairness” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
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- “If there is a ray of hope and a guarantee of peace, it is in the one and only person who was sent with the teaching of peace and harmony to the world… the Holy Prophet (sa).” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If people did not have any selfish desire, the very possibility of wars would be eliminated. Generally, when someone speaks about peace, that desire for peace pertains to themselves.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- If everyone treats others the way they would like to be treated, world peace would be within reach. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “To establish true peace in the world the following creed must be adopted, which is that there is One God Who wishes for all peoples to live in peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is impossible to establish true peace until one establishes belief in the Supreme Being.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoiceForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Killing one innocent life is like killing all of humanity. #Quran #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “One way taught by Islam to reduce conflict in the world is to focus on the commonalities that unite us.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Irrespective of differences of race, religion, nationality or social background, we are united as human beings.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We hold genuine love for all people and are ever ready to extend a hand of friendship to others.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches you must respect and care for the sentiments of other people. This includes religious sentiments and the feelings of others in relation to general social issues.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “On one occasion, in order to safeguard the religious sensitivities of a Jewish man, the Holy Prophet (sa) sided with the Jew after he reported an argument that had taken place between him and a Muslim.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches that where retribution is required then it must be proportionate to the act of transgression. However, if forgiveness can lead to reformation then the option to forgive should be taken.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
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- “This is my humble request to you, that rather than using force, use dialogue to try and resolve conflicts.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Ultimately, you should strive to create peace in the entire world for the benefit of all of mankind.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The basic building block for peace in society is tranquillity and harmony within the family home.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Another key principle Islam teaches is that, in an effort to develop peace, it is necessary for all parties to never display any form of pride or arrogance.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “I pray that may Allah the Almighty enable the people of the world to rise above their personal interests and desires, in an effort to save the world from the coming destruction.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “it is the duty of the superpowers to sit down and find a solution to save humanity from the brink of disaster.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “..there is an urgent need to end all kinds of hatred and to lay the foundations of peace. This can only be done by respecting all kinds of sentiments of each other.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “God Almighty has made it clear that whilst our nationalities or ethnic backgrounds act as a means of identity, they do not entitle or validate any form of superiority of any kind.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “it is a clear teaching of Islam that the people of all nationalities and all races are equal. It is also made clear that all people should be granted equal rights without any discrimination or prejudice.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam has drawn our attention to various means for peace. It requires absolute justice…” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Governments need to make policies that establish and protect mutual respect, through which hurting the sentiments of others or causing them any type of harm should be outlawed.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In essence countries should seek to cooperate with one another so that division is replaced by unity.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “A fundamental and basic teaching of Islam is that a true Muslim is a person from whose tongue and hand all other peaceful people are safe.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In an effort to develop peace, it is necessary for all parties to never display any form of pride or arrogance.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In the same way that we would not accept for our own rights to be taken, we should not be willing to accept it for others.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Another beautiful principle taught by Islam is that peace in society requires one to supress his anger, rather than allowing it to prevail over principles of honesty and justice.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Peace is made by giving all parties an equal platform and playing field.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If the requirements of justice are not fulfilled, then no matter how many organisations are formed for the sake of peace, their efforts will prove fruitless.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “the Qur’an teaches that as far as possible, any enmities or grudges should be reconciled and solved by opening the channels of communication and through dialogue.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “the Founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa taught his followers to always give “Salaam,” meaning to always spread the message of peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is my prayer that every single one of us, irrespective of religion or belief, pays heed towards fulfilling each other’s due rights, so that the world can become a haven of peace and harmony.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “As a religious leader, I wish to say that instead of blaming and provoking one another, we should focus upon building true and long-lasting world peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches that no opportunity for peace should be wasted and so even if there is only a glimmer of hope then you must try and grasp it.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches that in all circumstances, no matter how difficult, you must remain firmly attached to the principles of justice and integrity.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…even in a state of war, justice and fairness are of paramount importance…” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The truth is that sustainable peace can never be established until there is justice at every level of society.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In terms of establishing world peace, an extremely momentous principle, ensuring universal religious freedom, is enshrined in chapter 22, verse 41 of the Holy Qur’an.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “All nations and all peoples must come together for the greater good and unite in their efforts to stop all forms of cruelty, persecution and injustice…” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We must be sincere with all nations and seek to help them, so that each and every country can prosper and realise its potential.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Irrespective of differences of background, I believe that on the basis of humanity, we are all joined together, and should therefore be united.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “All people and all organisations must collectively endeavour to uphold human values, and strive to make the world in which we live a better and far more harmonious place.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If human values and human rights are not upheld in one country or region, it has a knock-on effect upon other parts of the world and such wrongdoing can spread further afield.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We can have peace in this world if the majority of the believers in this world, of whatever religion, develop in themselves the fear of their Lord.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is imperative that the world and particularly the major powers reflect upon the efforts that are required to save the world from a horrific destruction.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…the key to peace is to stop cruelty and oppression, wherever it occurs, with justice and equality. Only when this principle is followed will global peace develop.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam’s teachings demand that we speak out against injustice and help those who are in need or who are being maltreated.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “, Islam says that any war for the sake of geo-political or economic gains or as a means to take control of natural resources can never be justified.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “In chapter 16, verse 127 of the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty has said that any punishment during a state of war must remain proportionate to the crime committed and must never exceed due limits.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches that in all circumstances, no matter how challenging, you must remain firmly attached to the principles of justice and integrity.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Wherever in the world there is disorder or conflict, it is our collective obligation to stand up for justice and to strive for peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is the need of the hour that we should all focus on achieving our shared aspirations of establishing true and sustainable peace in the world.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “I advise the major powers of the world to strive wholeheartedly and earnestly in the cause of world peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…the same principle of fulfilling trusts and oaths is something that the major powers and international institutions such as the United Nations must always prioritise.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
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- “If every policy made is based upon the solid foundations of justice and integrity then automatically the conflicts that have consumed the world will be resolved without recourse to violence, bloodshed and brutality.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “From the depths of my heart, I pray that Allah the Almighty grants wisdom to all parties and all nations so that it is with this selfless spirit that they all work together for the betterment of mankind.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Allah the Almighty says that patience, courage and justice must be shown to save mankind. This means that punishment should be proportionate to the crime committed.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “As Allah the Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an, in order to fulfil the requirements of justice, one must make honest efforts for the reconciliation of disputes.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Justice means absolute justice and that can only occur when your hearts are purified to the extent that no element of malice remains whatsoever.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, has taught us a golden principle, which is to choose for your brothers what you choose for yourself…” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is necessary, therefore, to take practical steps to stop cruelty, regardless of whether it is the mighty or the weak that are inflicting the cruelty.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If governments and organisations in power, or indeed international organisations do not fulfil their roles to establish peace in the world, then despite holding power, such powers are ultimately rendered useless.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Today, the world is in desperate need that it should adopt this attitude at every level, of recognising its Creator and fulfilling the rights due to His Creation.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The people of the world should not only be concerned for their own rights, but should also look at their own obligations and be concerned for the welfare of others.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is essential that everyone is made aware that, for the establishment of world peace, there is a far greater need for high and principled moral values than ever before.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…the recognition of the Creator that leads us towards love and compassion for His Creation.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “we cannot and must not give up our efforts. If we stop raising our voices against cruelty and injustice, then we will become amongst those who have no moral values or standards whatsoever.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “I send a message to the entire world, that the message and teachings of Islam are of love, compassion, kindness and peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “For peace in the world to be established it is essential that proper standards of justice are developed at every level, and in every country of the world.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “As a Muslim, I shall make it absolutely clear that Islam does not permit cruelty or oppression in any way, shape or form.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Qur’an…states that even if any country or people hold enmity towards you, that must not stop you from acting in a fully just and fair manner when dealing with them.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It should not be that any enmities or rivalries lead you to taking revenge or acting disproportionately.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We must accept that peace can only be built upon the solid foundations of honesty, integrity and justice. These are the keys to peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Where Allah the Almighty says, “giving like kindred”, He requires a believer to favour others and to always desire the very best for them.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…Islam’s teachings are never cruel nor unjust, rather they are based upon unparalleled standards of fairness” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…A Muslim is duty-bound to act fairly even with his greatest enemy and that hostility or enmity must never lead a person towards seeking revenge.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…the Prophet of Islamsa, his four rightly guided successors and thereafter those Muslim rulers who followed Islam’s true teachings, always honoured and protected the sanctity of all places of worship and of all religions” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Chapter 8, verse 62 of the Holy Qur’an states that Muslims must be ready to grasp hold of all opportunities for peace and reconciliation, regardless of the circumstances.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “It is absolutely true that we, Ahmadi Muslims, are peace-loving and seek to build bridges of love and hope between different religions and different communities.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…disagreements will occur from time to time, but the key is to solve those disputes with justice and fairness, rather than to prioritise one’s own interests above others.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam teaches that a Muslim’s first loyalty must always be to the truth and so a person must never hide the facts or give false testimony.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…the Qur’an states that following a war or conflict, if your opponent seeks reconcilement, then you must grasp that opportunity with both hands.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Islam is the defender of Christians and Jews. It is the defender of Hindus and Sikhs and it is the defender of the people of all other faiths and beliefs.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “May every nation, and every person, come to fulfil the rights of others and may justice prevail over all forms of injustice.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Whosoever killed a person…it shall be as if he killed all mankind; and whoso gave life to one, it shall be as if he had given life to all mankind.” – The Holy Qur’an 5:30 #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “We must stand up against all forms of oppression, hatred and use all our capabilities to try and foster peace in the world.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “Common sense dictates that we should not pour petrol on an open flame. Rather, we should seek mutual understanding, respect the beliefs of others and try to find common ground.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “The Qur’an has taught us how to build a peaceful, multicultural society, where people of all faiths and beliefs are able to live side by side. The key ingredients are mutual respect and tolerance.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…nations should not provoke one another or seek to assert their dominance, rather they should engage in diplomacy and try to resolve differences amicably…” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “My message to the world is to look at tomorrow, and not just to today.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “If we are considerate of each other’s feelings and rights at every level, then peace is established.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “True peace can only be established when it is established beyond personal, filial, ancestral, national and patriotic preferences; and in order to establish a central axis.” Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “True peace can only be established when a person becomes firmly established upon the principle that everything must be done for the sake of Allah the Almighty.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “To establish true peace in the world the following creed must be adopted, which is that there is One God Who wishes for all peoples to live in peace.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “it is impossible to establish true peace until one establishes belief in the Supreme Being and develops His love in their hearts.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “…there has come to you indeed from Allah a Light and a clear Book. Thereby does Allah guide those who seek His pleasure on the paths of peace.” – The Holy Qur’an #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- One cannot be a guarantor of true peace unless one becomes selfless in setting the standards of justice, compassion and love. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- It is only the teaching of Islam that stands above all others in relation to fulfilling the rights of others and establishing peace. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Today, rather than selflessness, sadly we tend to see selfishness. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “O ye who believe! Be strict in observing justice, and be witnesses for Allah, even though it be against yourselves or against parents and kindred…”, Holy Qur’an [4:136] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- If we truly want peace in our time then we must act with justice. We must value equality and fairness. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Whether Muslim or non-Muslim we should pursue the universal standards of justice outlined in the Holy Quran. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We have made you into tribes and sub-tribes that you may recognize one another… Qur’an [49:14] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- Allah divided humanity into tribes, nations and races to give them better knowledge of each other and to benefit from one another’s characteristics and qualities. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- The worth of a man is not judged by the color of his skin, his wealth, or social status, but by his moral goodness and the way he fulfills his duty to God and mankind. #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!
- “And seek help with patience and prayer…” – Holy Quran [2:46] #VoicesForPeace Click to Tweet!